Capped Bust Half Dollars
A fun series to collect!

Capped Bust Half Dollars (Lettered Edge) were produced at the US Mint from 1807 to 1836. They represent the first variety in this series. These liberty coins, along with the Draped Bust series that preceded them, are commonly referred to as "bust halves" in the numismatic community. Half dollars of this era widely collected due to the shear number of varieties. Most specialists in this series can attribute each individual coin by the specific obverse and reverse dies that were used to strike the coin. Dies were made individually, that made letter styles, stars, date placements and many other things vary widely.

The obverse of these silver coins consists of a left facing portrait of Liberty by John Reich. She has long flowing locks of hair, and is wearing a mob cap with the inscription "LIBERTY" on it. The portrait is encircled with thirteen stars with
the date below.

The reverse of these half dollars depicts an eagle with wings spread. A union shield is superimposed on its breast and it is clutching an olive branch and arrows in its talons. Above the eagle is a ribbon inscribed with "E PLURIBUS UNUM" which means "one of many" in Latin. The
appears above the motto. The
denomination is below the eagle and
reads "50 C".

Coin Specifications:
Designer: John Reich
Weight: 13.48 grams
Comp: 89.2% Silver, 10.8% Copper
Diameter: 32.5mm

Capped Bust Half Dollar (Lettered) to Half Dollars
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